Film Critical

Film reviews and coming attractions by NAnderson for your consideration. I will be writing critiques of as many films as I can see. Check them out and write a comment.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Jaw dropping entertainment at its finest.

300 is a film that exceeds. Some criticize the lack of a complex plot, but I found it to be damn near perfect without one. The characters are nicely developed and exude some standard characteristics that make them easy to follow. The story is simple and straight to the point. 300 has visuals unlike you have ever seen. This makes the film stand out in a sea of cheesy remakes and plot driven indies.

The simple plot is one of my favorite parts to this movie. Unlike a film such as Gladiator, in which I fell asleep not once but twice, 300 doesn’t bullshit around. This is one aspect that makes it really stand out as a strong film. It feels raw as it epically portrays the nature of its warrior characters. Within 20 min of the film starting these guys are off to fight and they don’t ease up until the very end. That is the very nature of a graphic novel, of which this story is derived. Frame by frame things move along at a quick pace and keep the audience right in it. These Spartan warriors didn’t have time to sit around and plot out all their moves. They were on a tight schedule so why should the film try to fluff it up with story down time. I don’t think it should have, and I was glad it didn’t. If you want fluffy story go watch Pearl Harbor.

Each of the characters is strong in spirit, which ultimately makes perfect sense, as this is more or less the theme of the movie. It was also refreshing to see some new faces on the screen. Turns out, Brad Pitt is not the only one that can be an epic badass. Gerard Butler is perfectly cast as King Leonidas. He pulled it off with ease and a solid sense of power. Lena Headey nailed her role as well and gave a great performance as a commanding queen.

The special effects speak for themselves. And you must see it to know. They depict a very futuristic feel to a very ancient time. The combination is one of a kind and noteworthy. The score is not what you expect from an “epic” period piece. In a rock’n’roll sort of way, the music adds to the film’s grittiness perfectly. Something along the lines of what A Knight’s Tale was trying to do back in 2001, but we all know how that turned out.

Zack Snyder does a great job in the director’s and the writer’s chairs. He has created a beautiful film with the help of the recently risen star Frank Miller. Audiences love this movie too. Ticket sales have been record breaking and almost nobody has bad things to say. The graphic visuals and the soundtrack keep the film edgy and modern. The story and the acting make it convincing. 300 is a really fun film and it exceeds because it does exactly what it was made to do. It entertains.




Blogger Norbie said...

Holy Mother of God! - I have to agree with you in so many levels.

I hate to sum it to ya but I can say - this entire film in essence was purely Psychedelic ... even potentially hallucinogenic! Between the vivid hues and contrast of its cinematography along with Gerard Butler's distracting pecs and crotch this movie felt like it was written by 50 gay guys - make that 50 stoned flamboyantly gay guys. Each and every scene is choreographed flawlessly and transcends as artistic and for that reason I truly enjoyed this film. Xerxes was well - "kind"! - despite looking like a drag queen from Main Street - he was effective and intense.

The potrayal of Spartan women in history has always been inspirational and moving. This was well pointed out in the movie - "Only Spartan women gives birth to Spartan Men" - they were highly regarded and respected.

Just a bit of trivia: the Oracle (a spartan hottie) was portrayed not by a model (everybody thought she was) but by a stunt double for the Movie "Cayote Ugly" - Kelly Craig. That's Hot!

7:59 PM  

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